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Monday, August 20, 2012

New Shapes and Forms

I had a rather productive day in the studio yesterday--something that hasn't happened recently due to all of summer's little events.  A quick calculation of the number of weeks until studio tour combined with a day completely to myself made for a nice incentive.  I rolled out a piece of slab and made two slab vases.  These have become some of my favorite pieces.  I love the organic shapes that I get out of the slabs.  I plan on rakuing the one on the left.
I also experimented with a shape I've tried only once before and came up with some nice forms.  I enclose the piece while throwing and make a knob to form the top.  When it is partially dry, I cut it open into a lidded jar with a twist.  I like using an asymmetric shape for the lid and opening.
These little numbers will be making the trip to England in a few weeks with my husband.  I like to make child-sized mugs and carve names into them.  All of the kids in town have them as I have found that they make nice birthday gifts.  My husband will be giving these to a colleague's children that he will be visiting on a business trip shortly.  My husband wanted to take part in this endeavor, so he took over the carving.

The casserole dish to the right is my very first.  I was asked for one last year at studio tour and promptly sent them to another potter down the road.  This year I plan on having a few on hand.  I look forward to experimenting with this form a little more next week.

All of these pieces will be headed to a bisque firing by the end of the week.  I will post more pictures after they are glazed.