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Saturday, February 16, 2013

My First Teapot

I have been intimidated by the teapot form, so before today I hadn't attempted it.  There are a lot of steps to it.  First you make what could just be a canister, then you make the spout on the wheel.  You start with a bottomless column and taper it.  Once it is close to being leather-hard, you cut off part of the  bottom of the column at a diagonal so that it can be attached to the canister.  This took me a number of tries, but in the end it worked out.  I cut a number of holes in the side of the canister before adhering the spout. Next I attached the handle, then turned my attention to the lid.  The knob is attached to the lid once it is also close to being leather-hard.  I also put a small hole in the lid to allow air to enter the teapot as the tea is being poured.  Sound like a lot of work?  It is, but I'm happy with my first attempt.  I can't say that for many of the things I've made on a first try.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Back to Work

White stoneware clay from NM Clay
I headed down to the studio last weekend with hopes of working, but it was just too cold.  I tried again this weekend and finally made a few things, in spite of the cold weather.  Cold weather does not make for inviting working conditions in a potter's studio.  Your hands are constantly submerged in water, and even when it starts out as warm water it will never last long.  You'll laugh at this, but there is actually a little wind that comes off of the rotation of the wheel.  You put that together with cold clay and you have some miserable working conditions.  I do a number of things to combat these factors, such as storing a few bags of clay in the warmest room of my house.  This means that I am constantly hauling 25 pound bags of clay up and down my driveway, but it helps.  I'll spare you with the specifics of trying to get my side of the studio warm enough from the wood stove that lives in the other room of our studio.  Let's just say that it is a trial.

So, I made a few pieces with some new clay that I am trying out.  I am trying a white clay body from New Mexico Clay.  I have steered clear of white clays in the past because I haven't liked the way some glazes look on them.  I am curious how this clay will work on my current palette of colors.  I am always experimenting, but I'm also looking for a clay that warps a little less.  Some clays warp more than others.  I have stopped using a particular clay that feels so good to work with, yet warps terribly.  I am finishing up a commission of large plates and that has led me to this experiment.

Now that the plates are complete, I will finish up another small commission next week.  Then I will turn my attention to all of the many items I sold out of in the past few months.  I will be making more butter dishes, pie plates, casserole dishes, and plates of assorted sizes.  I currently have none of these items available in my studio, but I do have lots of other items.  You can still find mugs, bowls of all sizes, platters, vases, pitchers, cups, lidded jars, salt pigs, masks, raku pieces, and various other items that I am sure I left out.  I am around most days, just let me know before you head over my way.  If you can't make it, I can always ship it to you.