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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back in Business

     After what seemed like an excruciating wait, my new kiln arrived a few weeks ago.  Since then I have been firing every imperfect piece of bisqueware that I could find on my dusty shelves trying to get my glazes to look just right.  It took a little more tweaking than I had expected, but I think I am finally there.  The new kiln is much fancier than the old kiln.  The manual itself is a beautiful piece of work--only something you can appreciate when you've sat scratching your head over a total lack of instruction.  Let's just say that this kiln is a major step up from the old one.  The most noticeable difference is just how much longer I have to wait to unload the kiln because it retains the heat so much better.  I realize that is a feature that I wanted, but the waiting is always so hard.

      Now that I have figured it all out, I am firing the good stuff again.  My shelves have been full of these beautifully glazed pieces that I tried to fire in my old kiln on that fateful day.  Now they are out and ready for someone to enjoy.  I have posted the pictures a few of my favorites.  I love these new button mugs and cups.  I anticipate making several more sets of these in the upcoming weeks.  I am listing these pieces in my Etsy store, but they are also available in my studio.