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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Reflections on The Tour

Once a year I wipe down all of my pottery and put it out on display.  It garnishes every suitable open workspace that I have in my studio.  There is that moment when I have finished the last bit of cleaning and I take a moment to simply admire the work that I have done.  I don't linger long, but it is important to take it all in collectively and feel pride.  Back in my days of training as a classical singer, I had an opera coach that encouraged us to look at a performance as simply stepping out of our linear progression to say this is where I am and where I have come from.   It is not the end product, but the place where my progression has led me, and I will continue from here.  I have always liked this idea, so this is where I am in my journey.

I would like to offer my gratitude to all of the many people that ventured up my dirt road to visit my studio this past weekend on The Dixon Studio Tour.  I enjoyed the support of many Dixon locals, as well as those that came from near and far.  It is a special time for our community when we put on display our talents as artists, organizers, and volunteers.  It is a great undertaking to put on such an event in a tiny village, and one that we couldn't do without the many members of our community that donate their time to helping out the artists in various ways.  Many of us have the support of friends and family that help out by baking, wrapping our goods, directing traffic, and in my case, watching over the kids.  No small task goes unnoticed.  This year the weather was beautiful and the shoppers were out, both are essential elements to a successful tour.  Yes, I would consider it a great success this year.

I took a few special orders this weekend for items that were either sold out or just not in the glaze you wanted.  I will have one more round of firings before Christmas, and then close up the studio for the cold month of January.  If you are interested in a specific item, please let me know soon so that I can get it into the next firing.  There was a great deal of interest in the fermentation crocks and I will be making more for this firing, but it is best to get your name down for one because they will go quickly.   I will not be at the Espresso Gallery this year, but I am always available for you to come by my studio.  Just drop me a line at lkindler@gmail.com to let me know when you will be here.  I am also in the process of replenishing my inventory in my Etsy shop if you are not nearby.  Please keep in mind that I have a lot of inventory that is not on my Etsy shop, so feel free to contact me directly and I will send you pictures of anything you might be interested in.


  1. What a beautiful display!

    We need a coffee cup, similar to the one we've been fighting over. Small and curvy. I want to give it to J for xmas. Something colorful?

  2. Nancy and I enjoyed visiting with you, Ken, and the kids during the Studio Tour. Taking the kids on the tour was a blast. Oliver did a great job of tour guide and provided directions and insight on each stop. I'm looking forward to using our new French butter keeper and Raku bowl. Thanks!
