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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Mask

I found myself in the studio this morning with a shelf full of cups that needed handles, yet they weren't quite dry enough to work with on this cold February morning.  Pottery is a game of timing.  If you wait too long, the handles won't stick.  If you try too soon, your mug will lose its shape and you'll have a big mess.  With this in mind, I turned to another project I've been wanting to get to.  After a considerable amount of kneading and wedging the aftermath of an untold number of pots that didn't work out, I rolled out a slab of clay with my rolling pin.  There is no fancy slab roller in my studio.  I then went to work on another mask.  I am quite fond of working on these masks.  It is a nice break from the wheel work as I have taken to churning out set after set this past month.  I intend to raku the masks to come....when I have finally built my raku kiln.  Once I have caught up with my special orders, that is exactly where I will turn my attention next.  I would love to get a few firings in before the strong spring winds reach us.

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