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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Glaze Firing

I unloaded the kiln this morning after a glaze firing that I started Tuesday night.  I always feel like a child waiting for Christmas morning.  You never know what you are going to get when you open the lid of the kiln.  The wait is excruciating.  I keep checking the temperature to see if it is cool enough to open.  When the moment finally comes, there is always a mixture of excitement, satisfaction, and disappointment.  This firing wasn't without its casualties.  The glaze ran on three pieces, one of which was a carved piece that my husband put a great deal of effort into.  It will live on top of my kiva fireplace with the flaw to the back.  I'm almost glad that it happened, because now I have a reason to keep it.  The cup that ran will sit on a low shelf where my small children can access it.  The lidded jar that ran and sealed itself will go out to the pottery graveyard which graces the garden off of my portal.  The rest will be packed up for the Dixon Studio Art Tour.

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