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Monday, October 17, 2011

Studio Tour

I am currently preparing for the annual Dixon Studio Arts Tour.  This will be my first year to participate in an event that will attract hundreds of people to our tiny village.  My studio happens to be located on a rather rough dirt road that rambles in and out of an arroyo, so I won't be showing my work in my own studio.  I will have a booth at the Embudo Mission located right in the center of town.  This is the 30th year of our fall tradition and we are hoping for a great turnout.  I have been working hard the past month to have a broad inventory to show.  I have new glazes sitting in my buckets, just waiting to be applied.  I have greenware drying on the shelves hoping to make it into a bisque firing before the end of the week.  A friend just commissioned some children's mugs that need to be made in order to get into this firing.  It has been a little hectic, but exhilarating at the same time.

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