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Monday, October 22, 2012

Firings from the Past Week

Altered Raku Vase
As the Dixon Studio Tour nears, my firing schedule has accelerated.  I've fired up the raku kiln the past two Saturdays for these large vases below and to the right.  I also unloaded a glaze firing from my electric kiln this past week.  There were plenty of mugs and french butter dishes, my best sellers.  I am making a few extra chip and dip platters like the one below because I sold out last year. I was especially happy with the way the glaze turned out on that one.  These platters take up a lot of room in my kiln, so I usually only put one or two in a load.  Hopefully I will have two more firings before the Tour and I'll be sure to stick another one or two in those.

I am also working on special order Christmas gifts.  I am firing lots of small mugs with children's names carved into them.  I finished up one commission this week, and hope to finish another with my next firing.  If you have a special item in mind that you would like before Christmas, please let me know right away.  I will probably have just one more round of firings after Tour and before Christmas to round out the year.
Chip and Dip Platter

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